Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ours is a Dangerous Sport

As my little sister has discovered, the life of a budding triathlete isn't without its risks. These come in many shapes and sizes but, in my experience, are most often focused around biking. My little sister is starting to get quite serious about our sport with her focus being on dominating the half ironman distance at this stage (her first serious crack at a triathlon was the Rotorua Half in which (to my shame) she snuck past my previous time and notched up a smoking 6hr 1min 5sec - I'm expecting big things for her this year!).

Over winter she's giving a big focus to becoming a good biker so has been notching up the k's ... until I got a message from her saying she was in hospital getting stitches etc.

There are two versions of the story:

Version 1
"I was riding along the south coast of Makara when I saw a cute little puppy/small child being mauled by a huge pitball I scooped up the puppy/small child and the pitball bite me I then kicked the pitball in the head and killed it."

Version 2
"Was going for a road bike heading towards Karori I stopped for traffic got my left foot out of the pedal gust of wind pushed me over to the right couldn’t get my right foot out bike went out from under me and I sliced the back of my ankle on the front cog of the bike."

I'll let you decide which is the true version ... Everyone I know, including me, has done it!


Aaron said...

Ow! That looks painful. Must have kicked the dog with the heel then :)

My little sister is getting into running but lukily I've got a bit of a head start on training. Your sister sounds speedy!

Mike said...

Cool place to have a scar 'with a story' ... better than an IM tattoo! :)

Kieran Mischewski said...

She sure is speedy, a little to speedy for my liking. At the moment she's lining things up for a head to head at this years Rotorua Half ... watch this space ...

Mike said...

You HAVE to do Rotorua as an individual now! :)haha

Kieran Mischewski said...

Its possible, don't throw your old bike out ...

Anonymous said...

Youch - poor thing!

She is going to be a ripper if she can do Rotorua in that kind of time! Way to go Sis!